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Sal Khan and Angela Duckworth on Careers
Sal Khan and Angela Duckworth share a tip with students for how to engage with adults to learn about their careers. Get the inside scoop on curiosity conversations.
Sal Khan and Angela Duckworth share a tip with students for how to engage with adults to learn about their careers. Get the inside scoop on curiosity conversations.
Sal Khan and Angela Duckworth on Careers
Sal Khan and Angela Duckworth share a tip with students for how to engage with adults to learn about their careers. Get the inside scoop on curiosity conversations.
Sal Khan and Angela Duckworth on Careers
Sal Khan and Angela Duckworth on Careers
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Sal Khan and Angela Duckworth on Careers
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If you think about the adults you know, several of them probably have careers that you find interesting. This video offers some conversation-starting questions to learn more about the pluses and minuses of that profession. From CGN partner OnTrack.
Sal Khan and Angela Duckworth share a tip with students for how to engage with adults to learn about their careers. Get the inside scoop on curiosity conversations.
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Key guidance and resources to conduct a career-focussed college search.
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